
[스크랩] 작가 1 ~ Pamela K Wilhelm

달빛그림자 2008. 6. 14. 09:07
Pamela K Wilhelm

MY NAME IS PAMELA K. WILHELM. Since beginning to sell my paintings,on Ebay in January, 2002, I now can say I have paintings hanging in every state in the union except Alaska, and South Dakota. I sometimes offer art that I am reselling from my lifetime of collecting as well as my own paintings. I will make this distinction very clear in my auctions. Watercolor is my first love. It requires intense control while allowing the thrill of profound spontaniety. I enjoy wire sculpture and monotypes as well. My whimsical acrylic paintings are a reflection of my love for teaching and working with children in the arts. Their quest for fun and fancy always inspires me. I have access to a gorgeous line of hand made MINI frames made from custom import!ed and domestic mouldings. I will be offering a variety of these weekly. You will find NEW styles every week so keep looking!

My qualifications:
I had my first art experiance at the age of 11 when my fifth grade class at Lewis and Clark elementary school went on a field trip to the Charles M. Russell Gallery and studio in my home town. I had my first real art class at East Junior Highschool in Great Falls, MT where Dave Maloney was hired to teach for the first time that year. He was a huge influence on me. He was and still is one of the finest artists I know! My Highschool art teachers,whose names I can remember, were Norman Dahl and Robert Dillabough. They were both wonderful and I credit Great Falls Highschool for giving me an art education that equaled or surpassed the University experiance! Educated at Montana State University, I then pursued a long career selling at arts and crafts shows, entering or winning prizes in nearly 100 juried exhibitions in the past 21 years in 4 states including many firsts and a best of show award. I have had several one woman shows and participated in several group shows at galleries and other venues. I have been represented by galleries in Carmel CA, Pleasanton CA, Stockton, CA, Cannon Beach OR and Tracy, CA. and others during the years when I painted full time and didn't have a teaching job. My work is included in 100's of private collections and has been selected for many corporate collections including Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, Yellow Freight, Shasta Beverages and The city of Tracy, Ca. City Hall.




Jack Brouwer A master of the exciting techniques of transparent watercolor, Jack paints comfortably in a loose spontaneous style as well as in a more precise realistic style. The dynamics of Jack’s paintings are created by strong design and composition combined with impeccable drawing skills. His images evoke a sense of excitement and a love of painting that the viewer shares through their own experiences. Having traveled extensively, he can create the mystery and intrigue of an Egyptian marketplace to a quiet stream in Northern Michigan, from a colorful bouquet of wild flowers to the lobster boats of the east coast. Jack is a native of Grand Rapids and a self taught artist. After serving his country in World War II, he worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, art director and owner of a 4A advertising agency. In 1987, he decided to take the plunge and follow his dream of full time painting in the fine arts.



Pablo Picasso - Boy with a Pipe

(1905년 作.100X81cm. 청색시대 작품)

1,215억 원 짜리 그림입니다.^^;;

파블로 피카소(Pablo Ruiz y Picasso 1881-1973년)는

스페인의 바르셀로나에서 태어나 교육받고 파리에서 죽었지만,

세계적인 큐비즘(Cubism)의 화가가 되었다.

그는 데생 교사의 아들로 태어나 바르셀로나 미술 학교에서 신동으로

이름을 날렸다. 열아홉 살 되던 해에 파리로 갔는데 그곳에서 그는

표현주의자들이 즐겨 다루었던 주제인 거지, 부랑아, 서커스의 광대등을

그렸다. 그러나 여기에 별 만족을 얻지 못하고 고갱이나 어쩌면 마티스도

관심을 가졌을 것으로 보이는 원시 미술을 연구하기 시작했다.

그는 아주 단순한 요소들로부터 얼굴이나 사물의 이미지를 만들어낼 수

있는 방법을 배웠다. 이것은 그 이전의 화가들이 행했던 눈에 보이는

인상을 단순화시키는 작업과는 다른 성질의 것이었다.

피카소는 1900년에 처음으로 파리에 와서 1904년에 그곳에 아주

정착해버렸다. 가난하고 이름 없던 이때에 그린 그림들의 주제는 주로

사회적으로 소외된 사람들이었고, 색조는 청색이었다.

그래서 1901년에서 1904년 초를 피카소의 청색 시대 Blue period

혹은 우수의 시기라고 한다.

<기타 치는 눈먼 노인>(1903년), <초라한 식사>(1904년),

<비극>(1903년)과 같은 외롭고 헐벗고 굶주리며 사회의 저변에서

우울하게 사는 사람들에게 피카소는 관심을 보였다.

장밋빛의 밝은 색채가 1904년경 그의 그림에 나타나기 시작했으나,

우수에 찬 청색이 여전히 피카소의 그림에 지배적인 색채로 남아있었다.



I Teach Art full time at around 11 schools a year as an artist-in-schools provider for the San Joaquin County office of Education. I am a co founder of a two week summer art academy for children through the city of Tracy, CA which is in it's eighth year.
I have been married over 30 years to Robert and have two grown children, Robyn, and Jordan, and a Heinz 57 dog named Jessica.
My philosophy is to be honest and to trust in the honesty of everyone I deal with.I guarantee satisfaction in everything I sell. If you are ever dissatisfied for any reason, let me know.




출처 : naipuniya
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